Wow did it snow yesterday! As a result of this late season storm I didn't have work in the morning or class in the afternoon. I did decidate a little bit of this newly found free time to studying but I also managed to finish my handspun mohair scarf. It turned out cute and is of course super soft and warm. I'm not used to handspun yarn so this was a little hard for me to work with, but I am pleased with the result.
This is not the most inspring photo ever I know. I spent a few minutes trying to take a photo of me wearing it but I ran into a problem I imagine many a knitter has: trying to take a decent picture of your self. I love my little camera but since I can't see the screen and take the photo at the same time I usually have a wierd look on my face or something. Here are some photos that could have been good but just didn't come out quiet right...
The first one is too dark to actually see the scraf. In the second I have more hair than face which makes me look like a Cousin It wannabe, and the last one is blurry and washed out. I really should just make the boy my photographer but he's at work right now.
Speaking of pretty yarn from small producers, the Twist Collective has
an article written by a yarn farmer in their new issue, which I found to be very interesting.