Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Spring!

One of the unfortunate aspects of spring semester is that finals time starts just as the weather becomes nice. So I often get stuck in the library while everyone I know who is not in law school goes out and enjoys the sunshine and warmth. We had a beautiful weekend in Connecticut, and I just couldn't spend it couped up. Saturday morning was filled with yarn and sheepy goodness because Robert and I went to the Sheep and Wool Festival. I had a great time and succomded to the prettiness of some of the yarn (but I am pleases to say that I stayed under the budget I set for myself)

First up, I got sock yarn from Aisling Yarns in "Being There." The booth had a lot of great colors but I ended up going with this one because I didn't have anything else quite like it in my statsh already.

I also picked up two huge hanks of sportweight alpaca from Times Remembered, which is based in Slate Hill, NY. I am such a sucker for alpaca, its just soooo soft that I can't resist it. I'm thinking of making the Gathered Pullover with this.

But of course this weekend was not entirely dedicated to buying. I had plently of car time to spend knitting thanks to the Sheep and Wool Festival and then an improptu trip to the shore to see Rob's parents because it was just too nice to be in Hartford. I spent the time working on my Froot Loop socks, which I am quite pleased with. This pattern is super addictive, I love the cute little cables and O's that it forms.

Oh and yes I did manage to get some study time in too.

1 comment:

Cimorine said...

(sigh) seems like everyone has good weather except in the stupid Pacific Northwest. we have rain, rain, and oh, guess what, more rain! it's cold.

It could be worse. you could be still in school. and in Porland, with no sun, finals a month away, and no Gosh-darn yarn festival for 1000000 miles. (sorry, that was sort of a rant. I'm happy you got a bunch of yarn! that's awesome! buck up, I'm sure you'll do fine!)