Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekend Update

I have been consumed by finals recently.  But here you can see the little pile of projects that lives on my couch slowly making progress.  You can see my second stripe sock.  Turns out short row heels aren't all that bad after all.  I used the tutorial that Cosmicpluto has her on site, which you look at here.

I've also been doing a fair amount of spinning with my new Kundert Spindle.  I feel like my spinning has vastly improved since I got my spindle. I can now draft while my spindle is spinning! Sometimes, at least.  I'm almost done making singles with the 4 oz of fawn coopworths I got from Purple Fleece.  My plan is ply it, and hopefully end up with a worested-ish weight yarn.  From there I don't know what I'll do with it, but I'm really loving this spinning thing and have been looking around a lot at spindles, wheels, and (of course) more wool.

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